Jumat, 24 April 2015

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. Paragraf, judul buku: Sistem Akuntansi Mulyadi Universitas Gadjah Mada, hal: 4
    Paragraf, title: Jurnal, page: 4

Jurnal merupakan catatan akuntansi pertama yang digunakan untuk mencatat, mengklasifikasikan, dan meringkas data keuangan dan data lainnya. Seperti telah disebutkan di atas, sumber informasi pencatatan dalam jurnal ini adalah formulir. Dalam jurnal ini data keuangan untuk pertama kalinya diklasifikasikan menurut penggolongan yang sesuai dengan informasi yang akan disajikan dalam laporan keuangan. Dalam jurnal ini pula terdapat kegiatan peringkasan data, yang hasil peringkasannya (berupa jumlah rupiah  transaksi tertentu) kemudian diposting ke rekening yang bersangkutan dalam buku besar. Contoh jurnal adalah jurnal penerimaan kas, jurnal pembelian, jurnal penjualan, dan jurnal umum.

2. Translate language to english

Simple present tense

The journal is the first accounting used to record, classify and summarize financial data and other data. As already mentioned above, the source of recording information in this journal is a form. The financial data in this journal for the first time classified according to a classification in accordance with the information that will be presented in the financial statements. In this journal also contained data compaction, which activity results summary (a number of specific transactions in rupiah) are then posted to the account specified in the General Ledger. Examples of a journal is cash receipts journal, purchases journal, sales journal, and general ledger.

Simple past tense

The journal is the first accounting used to record, classify and summarize financial data and other data. As already mentioned above, the source of recording information in this journal is a form. The financial data in this journal for the first time classified according to a classification in accordance with the information that will be presented in the financial statements. In this journal also contained data compaction, which activity results summary (a number of specific transactions in rupiah) are then posted to the account specified in the General Ledger. Examples of a journal is cash receipts journal, purchases journal, sales journal, and general ledger.